Next Track Starting Soon
Next Track Starting Soon

Make sure you are ready before you receive a request for an RFP or proposal.

Update your website, and make sure it is competitive.  List standard RFP questions and make sure you already have the answers. Identify necessary personnel and potential partners and/or sub-contractors.

Determine if the RFP or proposal is really happening, and if so, is it a realistic opportunity?

If there a current incumbent, if so, how different are you?  Are they willing to make that much of a change?  Will their management want it?

What is your relationship with the company and how is your reputation?

Do they know you?  Who are the real decision makers?  Do you know any influencers at the company or any CEOs who already have a PO?

Have you done your homework?  Do you fully understand the requirements? Do you have a winning team?  What is your plan?

Be prepared to ask the right questions that will determine if this is a Go/No Go opportunity.

Be careful not to give away your strategy.

Do three drafts and score each question with a numeric or graded score. Make sure you have specific numbers/examples for each question.

Keep drafting the responses until you get an "A" for each answer or 10 out of 10.

Create WOW graphics! and make sure to follow the Client's outline exactly.

Practice your pitch at least 10 times while timing the pitch to make sure you stay within the allotted time.

Winning the RFP or proposal is just the beginning - now you need to be prepared for negotiations.  Determine your goals and desired outcome and identify any trade-offs you will be willing to make. 

Important to know when to walk away if there are unacceptable terms.

Ensure a successful on-boarding for your new client. Create a welcome package that answers potential questions and identifies processes and procedures for both your company and the newly on boarded client.

Whether you won the RFP or proposal or not, it is important to set up a 15 minute debrief session to identify any steps for improvement in the future as well as any winning steps that led you to win the RFP or proposal.

Make sure you are ready before you receive a request for an RFP or proposal.

Update your website, and make sure it is competitive.  List standard RFP questions and make sure you already have the answers. Identify necessary personnel and potential partners and/or sub-contractors.

Determine if the RFP or proposal is really happening, and if so, is it a realistic opportunity?

If there a current incumbent, if so, how different are you?  Are they willing to make that much of a change?  Will their management want it?

What is your relationship with the company and how is your reputation?

Do they know you?  Who are the real decision makers?  Do you know any influencers at the company or any CEOs who already have a PO?

Have you done your homework?  Do you fully understand the requirements? Do you have a winning team?  What is your plan?

Be prepared to ask the right questions that will determine if this is a Go/No Go opportunity.

Be careful not to give away your strategy.

Do three drafts and score each question with a numeric or graded score. Make sure you have specific numbers/examples for each question.

Keep drafting the responses until you get an "A" for each answer or 10 out of 10.

Create WOW graphics! and make sure to follow the Client's outline exactly.

Practice your pitch at least 10 times while timing the pitch to make sure you stay within the allotted time.

Winning the RFP or proposal is just the beginning - now you need to be prepared for negotiations.  Determine your goals and desired outcome and identify any trade-offs you will be willing to make. 

Important to know when to walk away if there are unacceptable terms.

Ensure a successful on-boarding for your new client. Create a welcome package that answers potential questions and identifies processes and procedures for both your company and the newly on boarded client.

Whether you won the RFP or proposal or not, it is important to set up a 15 minute debrief session to identify any steps for improvement in the future as well as any winning steps that led you to win the RFP or proposal.

© Copyright 2020, CEO SUCCESS COMMUNITY, a division of VEO Group, Inc.
a division of VEO Group, Inc.